Subcontract CNC Milling Service

Our modern machine shop is equipped with the latest CNC milling centres, ensuring precision and efficiency in every project we undertake.

Machine-mounted Renishaw probes aid in maintaining quality and improving setup times, ensuring consistent and accurate results.

We work with a diverse array of materials, including stainless steels, aluminium, brass, copper, toughmet, inconel, duplex/super duplex, engineering plastics, titanium, and phosphor bronze, to meet the specific needs of our clients across various industries.

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CNC Milling Parts

Complex Component Machining

Our CNC milling machines can handle large components with ease, with up to 760mm capacity. With a 48 tool capacity, we can accommodate complex machining operations and reduce downtime between tool changes.

From design and project management to machining and assembly, we provide a full spectrum of services, ensuring seamless project execution and customer satisfaction.